GBSD-stuff. I like kippers, me. My stab at Web-1.99a life before I finally upgrade to Web-2.0-stable with a bloody Facebook page for each of my allowscp rssh users, complete with lurid pics of naked racks, wideopen SX NICs and gaping console ports, taken in bad lighting whilst heavily drunk, wearing kinky boots on the cables. Come back gopher all is forgiven! Ah, I remember well those long nights spent fingering random users on the nets in the early 1980s at 75 and 300bps (that's _bits/s_ kids)
24 Apr 2012
Google Drive pricing fail
Yay! Massive price increases for Google storage and then a slick Google Drive press release.
Hang on, errrrrrr, no.
In my mind, they're now very VERY evil.
I firmly believe that any company that thinks it can more than double prices overnight is not one to deal with or trust in any way.